How to make Kerosene Lamp (Gasera): Simple Kerosene Lamp

Simple Kerosene lamp
Our 8-year old kerosene lamp
In an era of advanced technology and electric lighting, there's captivating about the simplicity and ingenuity of a homemade kerosene lamp. With just a few basic materials and a touch of creativity, anyone can create their own source of illumination. Let's explore the step-by-step process of crafting a simple kerosene lamp using readily available items.

Materials Needed:

Empty bottle (preferably not plastic)
Aluminum tube
Rugs or cloth strips
Thread or string

Step 1: Selecting the Bottle
The first step in making a kerosene lamp is choosing a suitable bottle. Any glass bottle will work, but avoid using plastic due to safety concerns. For this demonstration, we'll use an empty cough syrup bottle, but feel free to use any similarly sized glass container you have on hand.

Step 2: Preparing the Bottle
Using a drill, carefully create a hole in the center of the bottle's cap. The size of the hole should match the diameter of the aluminum tube to ensure a snug fit.

Step 3: Cutting the Aluminum Tube
Next, cut an aluminum tube to approximately 4 inches in length. The length of the tube can vary depending on personal preference, but it should be tall enough to extend above the bottle's opening.

Step 4: Assembling the Wick
Take a piece of rug or cloth strip and tie it securely with thread or string. Insert the tied end of the wick into the aluminum tube, ensuring it reaches the bottom. Gently pull the string through the opposite end of the tube until the wick emerges from the top.

Step 5: Completing the Lamp
With the wick in place, fill the bottle with kerosene, leaving a small gap at the top. Securely seal the bottle with the cap, ensuring it is tightly closed. The lamp is now ready for use.

Step 6: Lighting the Lamp
To ignite the lamp, simply light the exposed end of the wick with a match or lighter. Adjust the height of the flame as needed by raising or lowering the wick. Enjoy the warm glow of your homemade kerosene lamp.

Crafting a simple kerosene lamp is a rewarding DIY project that harkens back to a simpler time. With just a few basic materials and a little creativity, you can create a functional and charming source of light for your home or outdoor adventures. So why not give it a try and illuminate your world with the warm glow of homemade craftsmanship?

1 komento:

  1. What is the purpose of the metal tube?
    I am wondering because I followed another site before coming here and it stated just to poke some cottong through the cap 1/4" and light it.
    I made one before coming back to the computer out of a mason jar and a ball of cotton stretched and twisted as the wick.

    Upon first lighting it produced a bit of smoke but now I'm wondering if I need to find a metal tube after reading your article.
    Did I miss something in the article that explained its purpose?



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